‘Write a newsletter’, a friend once said. ‘It’s a great way to share details about your efforts as a writer. Include some special features. Make it different from all the other ones.’ Difficult to believe that was more than four years ago. This monthly spot continues with bits about my writing, upcoming events, works in progress, interviews with talented authors and music. Variety is a wonderful thing! Ready? Let’s roll. Writing “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” You probably recognize Shakespeare’s line here from Romeo and Juliet. It’s appropriate for this section on writing. I’m a sucker for unusual names. As a kid many of the characters in books I enjoyed had common, everyday names. They were as plain as white bread and mayonnaise. That’s boring! The characters’ names can give you a clue as to how they might behave, if the writer puts some thought into it. Some writers will use a random name generator app. But that takes all the fun out of it. A great resource I’ve discovered is capturing the names of people I meet during the day. This is especially true at the events I participate in. So far this year, I’ve met young ladies named Breezy, Arizona, Alura, Sharmane, Nikkia, Cheyanne, Kayleigh, Rebekah, Brittney, Mina, Madisyn, Destinee and Avva. Sure, some of these may be just unique spelling of common names, but that’s the point. I want to celebrate the differences by using some of these for my characters. One of the reference books I use that’s been on my shelf for years is the Character Naming Sourcebook. It gives the nationality and the meaning for various names. This is my go-to book for the background on names. Sometimes I’ll pull them directly from there. The more distinctive the name, the more memorable the character. And that’s what I’m striving for. Because if the readers remember the names, they may just come back to buy another book. Events The caravan continues! Next stops on my wandering around the Mitten State include: Dowagiac’s Summer Festival on July 19 and 20, (Main & Front Street) the SterlingFest in Sterling Heights on July 27, (in front of the library on Dodge Park) Art in the Park in Holland on August 3 (Centennial Park, Central and 10th) and the Treasures & Treats Craft Show, part of Howell’s Melon Festival on August 17 (First Presbyterian Church, 323 W. Grand River). Work In Progress Writing on the crime novel continues. I’ve passed the 50,000 word mark on the first draft, which is encouraging. That means it’s time for me to go back through the manuscript, scene by scene, and start putting them together into some type of timeline. This helps me determine what details need to be expanded on. It also provides me with the opportunity to consider scenes that are needed to connect the subplots with the main story. It’s part of the process that has always served me well. With any luck I’ll write another three to five thousand words this month. Time will tell. Author Interview I am proud to be part of the Inkspell Publishing family. That’s the house that brings the Jamie Richmond books to life. Somehow I think that means Libby Kay and I are related, since she’s also with Inkspell. You know her stories would be great if they were accepted for publication there. Let’s learn a bit more about her. Tell us a little about yourself and how you became an author. I’m a bit of a cliché, I’m afraid. I’m a librarian who has had a lifelong obsession with books. Some of my earliest memories are going to the library for the summer reading program. I’d leave with armfuls of books, hiding away in the house behind a stack of stories. As I got a little older, I started doodling little picture books. Granted, it was basically 2-dimensional sketches, but I loved crafting the words that built the story. (There’s a reason I’m glad Inkspell has cover artists—I cannot draw to save my life!) I love writing. It’s an escape and inspirational place for me to go. While I only published my first book in 2022, I’ve been writing since I was a teenager. (And trust me when I tell you, that was a long time ago.) Getting my stories out to readers is a dream come true, if you’ll excuse another cliché. I’ve had readers reach out and share how my stories touched them or made them believe in love again. That is so rewarding, and it puts the biggest smile on my face! When I’m not reading and writing, I spend time with my husband and hike or travel. I’m a homebody, but we love to get away on weekends and explore the Midwest. If we happen to find a delicious restaurant in our travels, all the better. 😉 Do you ever imagine one of your novels being made into a movie or television series? Yes, more often than I should admit. 😉 My Buckeye Falls series has Virgin River and Sweet Magnolias vibes, so I’d love to see it turned into a Netflix or Hallmark series. That will always be the dream. Any favorite actors you’d cast in the lead roles? What’s that expression? Beggars can’t be choosers? If my books were turned into a movie or TV show, I wouldn’t push too hard for any certain celebrity. I have a hodgepodge of people in mind when I write my characters, and it’s rarely just one person. Unfortunately, the one person I do envision with a character is no longer with us. (For those of you who read Falling Again, Anthony is modeled after JFK Jr. Swoon!) What is your writing process? For instance, do you do an outline first? Do you write the chapters in sequence? In the world of pantsing or plotting—I’m definitely a panster. I have a brief outline of what will happen in the book, using beat sheets from Gwen Hayes’s book Romancing the Beat. But overall, I write in the moment and write in sequence. When I get stuck in a certain passage, I usually work on the epilogue to get me focused on the couple’s happily ever after. Describe the characters in your latest book. My most recent release is Faking the Fall. It’s book 4 in my Buckeye Falls series, but like all the books can be enjoyed as a stand-alone read. Faking the Fall follows Alice and James, and one of my favorite tropes: fake dating! Alice is a bit of a free spirit who spent the last decade traveling and going to school. Now she’s back home in Buckeye Falls, but she isn’t ready to settle down yet. The only problem? Her family and neighbors won’t get off her back about her sad dating life. Enter James, a sweet hearted (and adorable!) artist who recently relocated to town after a bitter divorce. He’s been hiding away working on his newest collection, but he’s lacking that creative sparkle. When he and Alice meet, James sees the perfect muse to get his creative juices flowing. Alice finds the perfect fake boyfriend to please her fellow Buckeyes. The only problem with their little scheme? When they start to catch real feelings. Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write? When I started writing the Buckeye Falls series, I envisioned a trilogy. I had firm ideas for Max, Evan, and Anthony to get their happily ever afters. But the more I wrote, the more I wanted to give Alice and Mallory their own stories. They played big parts in helping their brothers find love, and I couldn’t imagine leaving those girls hanging. 😊 What is your latest book about? Sparks fly when a reclusive artist meets his muse in this new installment of the Buckeye Falls series. Alice Snyder knows her reputation—and if she didn’t, Buckeye Falls loves to remind her. She may come from the town’s First Family, but that doesn’t mean she plays by the rules. After a decade of traveling and going to school, she’s back home and ready to settle down, or at least relax for a while. The trouble is, her neighbors are determined to find her a husband. She needs a way to get them off her back… When James Gibson, a divorced artist, flees New York for the peace of small-town Ohio, he’s excited to get painting again. The only trouble is, he’s completely blocked. Despite his best efforts, his collection of canvases are blank and he’s at a career crossroads. A chance meeting with the mayor’s sister throws James’s routine off balance, and he’s eager to spend more time with this quirky spitfire. And Alice might have the solution to both their problems… Fake Date. She gets the Nosey Nellies off her back, and James gets time with a woman who inspires him both inside and outside the studio. Just a few weeks of pretending, and they’ll move on. Simple, right? The trouble is the more time they spend together, the realer their relationship feels. The laughter, the stolen kisses—it all starts to feel like more. Can these two be honest with each other and find their happily-ever-after, or are they doomed for a real breakup? For anyone who is a Buckeye Falls fan, stay tuned this August for the final novel in the series--Forever to Fall. This is Mallory’s happily ever after with Beckett, her brother’s best friend and first love. Check out my Instagram and Facebook pages for a cover reveal and teasers later in July! Libby Kay’s FAKING THE FALL redeems Buckeye Falls’s spinster troublemaker with a fake relationship romance filled with sweet small town vibes. FAKING THE FALL will bring to mind amazing books like Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams and Fix Her Up by Tessa Bailey. But best of all, it returns readers to the small Ohio town and the familiar characters from the previous Buckeye Falls books. All the zany, overbearing, and well-meaning ones! So, sit back and grab FAKING THE FALL for the latest roller-coaster romance by Libby Kay. Can you share an excerpt too? The air had a delicious freshness to it, a faint hint of leaves and spice in the air. “This was one of the best nights I’ve had in a while.” Alice only broke away from James’s hold when they reached the car. “Seriously, just what I needed.” The itching in his fingers told James the evening was not only enjoyable, but also inspirational. The fading sunlight gave Alice a glow he wanted to capture on canvas. But first, he needed to kiss her again. Kissing Alice felt urgent, a necessity to keep him going. Pinning Alice against the side of his car, James caged his arms on either side of her. Keeping six inches of distance between them, he waited a moment for her to object. He was coming on strong, especially for a fake boyfriend, but he couldn’t stay away. Alice had this magnetic energy, and James was powerless to resist. “Alice.” Her name escaped on a rasp. She slowly lifted her head, and James knew she felt this too. This was not a one-sided attraction; what burned between them was too strong, too special. “I’m going to kiss you now.” “Okay.” She nodded, jutting her tongue out to lick her bottom lip. Any control James had evaporated into the early autumn air. Cupping her face, he closed the remaining distance and kissed her like his life depended on it. Because from where James was standing, it very well might. Alice felt like his lifeblood, and not just creatively. Getting her to smile, watching her come out of her shell was all he wanted in the world. What’s the next project you’ll be working on? I just got an Inkspell contract for a new book, When Sparks Fly. This is still a sweet, smalltown romance, but it’s set in Georgia and follows a team of firefighters as they fall in love. I’m envisioning a trilogy for this series. When Sparks Fly will release in April 2025. Stay tuned for more details! For anyone who is a Buckeye Falls fan, stay tuned this August for the final novel in the series--Forever to Fall. This is Mallory’s happily ever after with Beckett, her brother’s best friend and first love. Check out my Instagram and Facebook pages for a cover reveal and teasers later in July! Faking the Fall buy links: AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDM9F6LX KOBO: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/faking-the-fall BN: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/faking-the-fall-libby-kay/1143866386 APPLE: https://books.apple.com/us/book/id6457364406 Other links: Website: https://www.libbykayauthor.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/libbykayauthor/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LibbyKayAuthor/ Goodreads: Libby Kay https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19377638.Libby_Kay Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/libby-kay Music
At a recent event, I was talking about the newsletter with a couple of lovely young ladies who were interested in my books. When I mentioned that music is always a part of my day, they asked for specifics. It was a pleasant surprise to learn they recognized many of the artists I referred to. Occasionally I will select a theme instead of just one performer or band. They challenged me to pick songs with colors in the title. How could I refuse? Normally, I pick five titles, but there was no way to narrow it down, so here’s my top ten tunes. Santana: Black Magic Woman. https://youtu.be/9wT1s96JIb0?si=zrwnUUlrF6_fGajM Linda Ronstandt: Blue Bayou. https://youtu.be/Kp9G0zkorio?si=z1cLHcxm9hxJIWYM Van Morrison: Brown Eyed Girl. https://youtu.be/UfmkgQRmmeE?si=lwWhEvNqcKcixVEu Mitch Ryder: Devil in a Blue Dress. https://youtu.be/0Ubl1thJwG4?si=7SNUPxxRPSddAbLn Sting: Fields of Gold. https://youtu.be/5som4EYefio?si=nXUgmiz1v4W7v73F Spin Doctors: Jimm Olson’s Blues https://youtu.be/GrQCro68sRU?si=il2NY3MUQwZs14At Prince: Little Red Corvette. https://youtu.be/v0KpfrJE4zw?si=nP-CDmi4nT71jr46 Aretha Franklin: Pink Cadillac. https://youtu.be/Ip_pjb5_fgA?si=I_rEPCcC-KsmUZIU Bruce Springsteen: Pink Cadillac. https://youtu.be/V4PeT6aeytU?si=PLz-L39i-uE9daOT John Mellencamp: Pink Houses https://youtu.be/qOfkpu6749w?si=nfSEu7cqgJuHdYxG
We were lucky to catch up with Mark Love recently and have shared our conversation below. Mark , thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today What’s something crazy on unexpected that’s happened to you or your business. My business centers around my efforts as a writer. I’m the author of 9 books that are available in print and eb00k formats. Writing mysteries can be challenging. I want my stories to be believable, so it takes a lot of research to make sure the facts are accurate and pertain to the story. In addition to selling my books online, I frequently attend various events, such as festivals and art shows. That gives me the opportunity to interact in person with potential readers. It’s essential that I have a number of pitches prepared. In a heartbeat, I have to adjust my pitch to connect with people as they approach my booth. It’s important to be upbeat, friendly and able to engage anyone in a conversation. This is similar to being onstage. It’s improvisation at it’s finest. At a show last year, an older woman stopped by. She glared at the covers of each book. Then she pointed a crooked finger at the first on display. “What’s this about?” she asked. I gave her the synopsis, describing what could be found on the back. She frowned, nodded, and hooked her thumb at the one beside it. “And that one?” she asked. Again, I gave her the details. She repeated the process, scowling at me for more than 15 minutes as we moved through the table’s display. “So this is all fiction. Basically, you’re just making stuff up!” she said.. I agreed and confirmed that was the definition of fiction. Then I pointed out my efforts to research certain topics that were pertinent to each book. By now, I was ready to chalk it up as a waste of time. That’s when she surprised me and whipped out her credit card. “I’ll take one of each. But you can’t charge me extra for signing them.” “Autographs are always free,” I assured her. Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers. As a kid, I was an avid reader. While I read a variety of genres, mysteries always captured my attention. Perhaps that is what triggered the storyteller in me. During my professional career, I worked in many industries in different roles. After spending twenty years as a Human Resources Director or Manager, I was tired of solving problems for employees and management and working for someone else. Ten years ago, I began teaching business courses at the local college. One course I’ve taught every year since is Small Business Management. This focuses on how to start your own company. Teaching the material gave me insight into how to create and grow my own business. At the same time, I had been sharpening my skills as a writer. After getting a few short stories published, I started writing novels. Research helped me find a publisher who liked my work. One story lead to another. It was a kick to see my novels get printed. I ended up leaving the first publisher and finding a second one that was more interested in my books. Ideas kept coming. With the last name of Love (yes, that’s really my name) an editor told me readers would expect a little romance in my books. That led to the Jamie Richmond series, which are now with the Inkspell Publishing House. There are five books so far. “Devious”, “Vanishing Act”, “Fleeing Beauty”, “Stealing Haven” and “Chasing Favors” I started a second series, about a squad of police detectives investigating major crimes. There are three books in that series to date. The Jefferson Chene mysteries are with The Wild Rose Press.. Those titles include “Why 319?” “Your Turn to Die” and “The Wayward Path”. I’ve also self-published another book, “Rules of Desperation” was released in May, 2024. It’s my first attempt at self-publishing. It’s an experiment with a standalone book to see how it sells. I also wanted to have a new title on my display table at festivals this year. I am proud of each book. What is remarkable to me is to see the reactions of people at festivals and events as they become interested in my work. It’s also rewarding when someone from a different venue seeks me out to buy another book in the series. What sets me apart from other small businesses is two-fold. The books are my product. Each one is a standalone novel, set in contemporary times that the reader can relate to. Books are a great escape. They can also entertain and educate the reader. The second component is me. Whenever I’m at a festival or event, I strive to engage potential buyers, telling them just enough about myself and my books to attract their attention and hopefully result in a sale. All of my books take place in Michigan, primarily the metropolitan Detroit area. That location becomes a character in my work. So it was only fitting that I named the company “Motown Mysteries”. The name clearly identifies what the business is about. Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?Every writer will face rejection at some point. My first attempts at selling stories did not go well. Disappointment reared it’s ugly head. A cloud of doubt began to circle. Was I any good? Could I actually write a story that people would read? Would they enjoy it? How could I surprise the reader? Could I keep them guessing or would they quickly figure out the mystery? I realized there was another way to improve my writing skills and get paid for it, by transitioning to journalism. I took a couple of journalism courses in college. One instructor recommended me and several other students to a local newspaper who was looking for freelance reporters. Many of the assignments were dull. I covered schoolboard and city council meetings. That led to offers to write editorials and a few feature assignments. Positive feedback from the newspaper editors gave me confidence. After five years of my side gig as a reporter, I was ready to return to writing fiction. Can you open up about how you funded your business?I have always worked another job. As an HR Director, I was able to set aside funds to slowly start the business. I have to purchase print copies of each of my books from the publishers. While I do get these at a discount, there are other costs I had to keep in mind. Each venue I attended usually charged a fee. Some provided booths, tables and chairs. Others did not. In the beginning, I picked one event each month during the season (May through September). I tracked the sales and calculated how much profit from each show. The more books I had, the more I sold. The more I sold, the more events I wanted to participate in. During the offseason, I built up the account for the business. I bought my own equipment for the outdoor events. This gave me the opportunity to find new venues. I closely monitor the sales volume at each show. In most cases, when I register for an event, I’ll check with some fellow authors to see if they are interested and available to join me. If so, that helps to reduce my cost. The less expense for the venue, the easier it is to make a profit. It’s not competition sharing a space with another author. It’s collaboration. We all treat this as a business. Contact Info:
Image Credits“Rules of Desperation” by Pages Promotions LLC
“Chasing Favors” and “Stealing Haven” by Fantasia Frog Designs “Devious” by Dawne Dominique “Fleeing Beauty” by Shades of Rose Media “Why 319?” and “Your Turn to Die” by R J Morris “The Wayward Path” by Debbie Taylor |
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January 2025
AudioRules of Desperation
Stealing Haven Why 319? The Wayward Path Devious Vanishing Act Your Turn To Die Chasing Favors Fleeing Beauty Mighty Books
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